Unfortunately, as we said in our previous devlog, this is something inevitable following the implementation of the new UI. You should be able to skip all the text you've already read pretty quickly once you've started a new game! Really sorry for all that.
I am soooo very invested in each of the branching routes! 😯 Omg, it’s like, xou know when xou watch a really good TV series and are left anxiously excited for the next episode? That’s how NeveN makes me feel~ 😌
Xou guys are doing a TRULY amazing job 😁 I’m normally pretty good at deducing plots and predicting outcomes, but Ive been left pleasantly surprised with each route, in fact, I was so anxious with Vekad’s last update, coz I had absolutely NO idea where the story was going! 😅 I was literally on the edge of my seat
Thank xou so much for sharing this story with us and all the hard work put into creating it 💜
It makes us incredibly happy to know that we're capable of giving these kinds of thrills! And believe us, things are only just starting to get exciting! ;)
Although it was considered as a possibility, we no longer intend to create a specific route for Gilliant. However, he will remain an essential character in NeveN and will no doubt have a few side stories dedicated to him!
We are more than happy to hear that! It was an important turning point for Vekad's route, so we wanted to make it special, and it looks like it reached its goal!
I REALLY enjoyed getting to spend time with all the boys again after waiting so long~ 😊 I absolutely looove how different each route is! It really leaves the reader guessing where the story might go! 😁 Amazing updates as always~
I’m also really happy with how xou guys found a way to incorporate Gilliant even though he’s not romancable. The way xou included his backstory was a very good writing choice, and not simply as a filler or as character building, but incorporating this scene was a great way to progress the story.
It both makes the world feel fuller and distracts us from the primary storyline, which is a great way to pace the progression of the plot 😌
One last thing. I’d like to suggest a change in phrasing, if I may be so bold? When the MC refers to himself as “A prey”, it should rather be phrased simply as “Prey”. Saying things like:
“Just because I’m prey doesn’t mean I can’t be strong!” makes more sense than him refering to himself as “A prey”. This word is used to describe both plural and singular beings, which means it doesn’t need an indefinite article.
Xou guys could alternatively say something along the lines of “Prey-kin”, which would align with xour “Anthroken” word. But all of this is just a suggestion! I’m a bit of a stickler for details, so it isn’t all that important in the grand scheme of things 😋
Hey, as always it's a great pleasure to read your commentary! We're glad you are still into the VN after all this time, and you'll soon see a lot of storylines will unravel! :)
I'll take note of the "prey" thing to incorporate it in the VN, thanks a lot for that! I'm not sure I'll find all the sentences where it appears (because I'm pretty sure I made this mistake before?), but from now on I'll avoid using "a prey"! :)
No problem! And I think it only appears in Vekad’s route 🤔 though I could be wrong (maybe also the scene in the beginning where Akhet and the MC get ambushed by bandits)
Great work as always, I’m really excited to see how the story unravels (especially with the cliffhanger xou left us on in Vekad’s route! 😯)
Incredibly compelling! I'm really enjoying the world-building and that each route actually varies quite a bit, both in day to day events and the info presented to the reader.
Going through them still but Tenoch is currently my fave :D Looking forward to see how things develop, both with the greater conflict and the relationship between him and Erik (hoping for a good ending there ^^)
possibly the first VN i've read where every route character is so compelling that i genuinely have a tough time choosing which to read first. excellent work, will definitely be following along! ^W^
This is so good! especially when Gilliant had told us what happened to him??! This makes me love him as a character more, will he possibly be a love interest??
Glad to see you're enjoying Gilliant! Unfortunately, he won't be a possible route in the future. But he's still going to appear in the different routes!
Just started playing and got to the party and I was definitely not expecting the Temptations Ballad reference with Collodi Bonebreaker and crew! Loving the game so far.
I've always loved how different each route is despite sharing many similar scenes, like how Maelbjorn's is a nice slow burn romance while Tenoch's is more of passion turned into something more tender, yet despite me becoming familiar with these themes, I'm still surprised by how much the paths have diverged, especially Vekad's.
Xou guys are doing an amaaazing job. Character coherence and world building are so important to me. NeveN never fails to deliver when it comes to quality
We're delighted to see that you're still enjoying the VN! Hopefully you'll like the rest of the story just as much, especially as things are going to start to vary a lot between the different routes as they progress.
My biggest gripe was how each route felt like same things happening but talking to different person about them, this new vekad adventure just might make the vn a lot more fun to me if it succeeds
J'espèrais une route avec Gilliant mais une merveilleuse histoire tout de même. J'ai hâte d'essayer les autres routes. Présentement je suis allé avec Maelbjorn.
Déjà parce qu'il est en français (ce qui est extrêmement rare pour ne pas dire quasiment unique dans le genre des FVN), et ensuite bien évidemment pour sa qualité d'écriture, tant au niveau de l'histoire, du worldbuilding et des personnages !
L'attitude du MC tranche franchement avec ce qu'on a l'habitude de voir et c'est un vrai vent de fraîcheur, toute cette assurance et ce côté assuré !
J'aime beaucoup la façon dont sont construites les différentes routes, en espérant une happy end pour chacune d'entre elle (en particulier Maelbjorn qui est mon favori, mais ça c'est mon faible pour les ours qui parle eheh)
J'ai maintenant hâte de voir ce que la prochaine mise à jour nous réserve ! Un grand bravo au créateur en tout cas :)
Tu ne sais pas à quel point on est heureux de voir des commentaires en français, surtout quand c'est si gentil ! On a très envie de faire découvrir le monde des FVN aux francophones, donc ça nous réchauffe le cœur quand ça atteind ce public. :)
On a tout aussi hâte de te faire découvrir la suite de cette histoire, rendez-vous non pas le mois prochain mais celui d'après !
As for the language selection screen, we thought about it and it's an idea we are keeping for later, since there are plenty of other things we have to improve first. We keep that in mind though, thanks for the suggestion!
Ah-ha! I knew it~ :D I figured out the MC's gesture through a few different things, mainly because he hadn't actively sung since the competition, but also when he and Ahket went to the bar and weren't able to perform :p
Xou guys have opened up A LOT of great possibilities story wise by giving the MC the ability to peek into alternate realities. I personally think this is an awesome decision from a writer's perspective UwU
I absolutely ADORE where this tale is going~ I love how unique each path is. They have their own feeling and vibe, while still aligning with the overall story :) I always feel so good after an update n__n the tale is so fun, and despite being pretty serious, it's still lighthearted enough to leave readers feeling aflutter :3
Thank xou sooo much for all the hard work xou guys put into NeveN! ^^_
(PS. I DEEPLY appreciate that xa'll took the logical route with the kiss the MC and Ahket share. Smooching a beak is a bit weird and I've always thought a snout rub to be far more appropriate UwU)
Hey, thanks, it's always pretty nice and heartwarming to read your comments! :)
As for the gesture, yep, you guessed it right! It was the most logical thing for a bard such as our beloved rabbit!
We are very eager to show all the possibilites around the brands and their different powers and after-effects, you'll see we have some nice surprises in stock for you!
You better buckle up for September's build, because it's big and very important for the overall story. We can't wait to release it!
I sadly only download every 4our updates, so that I can spend the day with each guy :p but I'm already looking forward to it! ^^_ excited to see what xou guys have planned~ :D
Does the word Neven come up at all in the story? i wanted to named the MC that (its a very pretty word! definitely fits the cute bunny!) but it could get confusing.
that actually happened to me once before lol on a gba game
That's very kind of you, thanks a lot for your support! We'll be working hard on NeveN until the end, and believe me when I say things are going to get pretty wild! :)
Having played through every route so far, I'm loving them all! Just wish Gilliant was also a route, he may be similar to Vekad in his vibe but he's so interesting I'd play the game over again just for him haha.
I'm glad you liked all the routes! As for Gilliant, his route is one of our Patreon objectives in the long term, so who knows, maybe one day we'll get to write for him!
Ahh~ n///n Vekad is such a good match for the MC! <3 _<3 While my favourite may be Maelbjorn, I just think that the MC and Vekad play off of each other's personalities so well~ :p Although... I miiight just have a disposition towards tsundere personalities "^^_ But I also can't deny that there is something so very romantic, poetic even, about a hunter and a singer becoming involved~ UwU
I love where xou're taking the story :) It's really nice to see all the pieces fit together after playing every route :3 Everything has been so well thought out, and even better paced, that not only does it feel natural, but it always invokes such a good feeling whenever I read UwU
Xou've set the stage and introduced the actors perfectly, so now with the overture passed, the main act can commence, and I am very much excited to see where it leads~! Keep up all the great work! \>_</
(Oh, and sbtw, I have a sneeaaky suspicion what the MC's gesture is, especially seeing as he hasn't done it since... ;P)
Hey, thanks for all these compliments, it's really appreciated! With each build, we are so, so impatient to show more! It will only increase in intensity from now on! I hope you'll tell us what your suspicions were once the MC's gesture of awakening is revealed!
"du coin de l'œil, j'aperçois la hyène qui nous a avertis hier en train de discuter avec le reste de ce que je suppose être le reste de sa troupe, un blaireau et une labrador."
Je suis sûr à 99% que ceci est une référence à l'excellent Temptation's Ballad, je vous applaudis 👏 (why hello there, Cole, Sidd and Artemi).
Jusqu'ici très très bon VN au passage ! C'est la première fois que j'en vois un en français (malgré le fait d'en avoir joué/lu une bonne quarantaine) et ce fut une belle suprise. Ce fut un plaisir de le lire et j'attends la suite avec impatience. Chapeau bas, je vous souhaite toute la réussite pour la suite !
Content de voir que quelqu'un a finalement repéré la référence, je pense que tu es le premier à nous le dire ! Merci énormément du commentaire, ça nous fait vraiment plaisir de voir que notre travail plait à d'autres francophones. Nous avons bien l'intention de faire en sorte que la suite soit tout aussi bonne, voire meilleure !
Read the new update and thought I might share some of my thoughts.
First of all I absolutely LOVE the atmosphere, the writing, music and designs combine a very interesting setting that is always fun to return to. The worldbuilding is also fantastic, I'm so interested in discovering more about the different countries, their traditions, the gods, everything. And last but not least I absolutely love the characters. The protagonist feels unique and chaotic but also fun and wholesome, it's such a nice combination that fits to a bard. I admit I have to read the other routes as well but what Akhets content is so damn adorable. His kind personality but also his passion to music and to protect people that are close to him make him such a lovable character and it's always a pleasure to see him around the protagonist.
All in all I will definitely recommend the VN and hope for more great content, keep up the good work
Thanks a lot! It's really great to see that you liked our universe and our characters so much. We'll do everything to improve while staying on this path!
The wolf in the second picture isn't a love interest? "Do you know how sad a wolf can get when left alone?" ...or is he? If it's no trouble asking, because I would like to know before hand.
Hi! The wolf is not a love interest, but that doesn't mean that nothing happens with him! The different routes are the four characters presented in the description of NeveN ( Akhet, Maelbjorn, Tenoch and Vekad).
Is there information on the heights of the main characters. I know Erik's height but I am eager about the other main character's height since they are often described as towering Erik.
I really love the overall vibe NeveN has~ :) it's fun to read, the setting is familiar yet fresh, and the story is compelling :3
Might I make the smallest of suggestions to a word xou used? I've been writing furry smut for a while now, and I always try to keep anthropomorphs as animalistic as possible, which leads me to deliberate over atomical differences and the right terms to use.
Xou use the word "Cloaca" for Tenoch, and while that is perfectly fine, both as an artistic decision and to make saurian genitals sound more animalistic, I think refering to it as a "Genital slit" might be the better choice "^__^
I personally use cloaca more for the naga I write about, as they use that single hole to do all their business, and I think that when xou consider the anthro form, a "Genital slit" becomes more appropriate as their intestines aren't connected to this passage. But 1nce again, that's just my 2wo cents n_n"
Great work as always, can't wait to see where the story goes~! :D
I really must commend xou on not just xour writing style, but the ability to do it so fluidly UwU the importance of having a sentence flow in dialogue is imperative in capturing the readers attention, so the ability to do that while also incorporating an older style of writing is seriously impressive~ :)
Praise be to the diversity of the routes! ^__^/ while I expected only a few changes in dialogue with each path, xou've incorporated far more than I anticipated :3 which is really nice when xou consider that most VN' simply change a few lines
Maelbjorn is best boy, btw~ :p give us more handsome bear! \>o</ xD
Hey, thanks! Your comment means a lot to us, especially since we are writers first and foremost!
It's always reassuring to have that kind of feedback, because it compliments both our writing and the quality of our translation. It's important for us to be able to reach you through these words!
As for the routes, we are happy to bring that diversity, and the more the VN will progress, the more each route will be different (even though we intend to have some similar events between the routes).
And don't worry about Maelbjorn, you have a whole route of handsome bear prince ahead of you!
did you just replace 'you'... an inherently genderless pronoun... with 'xou'...? ...to remove gender connotations?? how do you even pronounce that????? why??????????
Lmao xD no, no, I recognise myself as male n_n It actually started out as a typo that I latched onto when I was... 13irteen? :/ It's kinda just become part of the way I type UwU same thing with how I replace number letters, ie: 1ne, 2wo, 3hree. And I guess I kinda pronounce "Xou" and "K-yoo" in my head "^^_
Got me shocked with NSFW right off the bat bahaha for sure wasn't expecting it, even made me double-check if it wasn't a game like Lustful Desire (I mean, heavily focused on sexual content)
It's interesting - and also, probably the first VN I ever saw that has a rabbit as MC xP
We know that an NSFW scene this early can be quite surprising, but the MC has a pretty open sexuality and it's a relatively important element later on in the story, so we wanted it to be clear from the beginning. The story is the focus though, even with the sexual elements!
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Hi! I get error when trying to load old saves with newest 0.33 version.
It shows:
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/tl/anglais/script.rpy", line 109309, in script
e "And I intend to enjoy all the little pleasures this life has to offer."
File "game/tl/anglais/script.rpy", line 109309, in script
e "And I intend to enjoy all the little pleasures this life has to offer."
File "game/screens.rpy", line 193, in execute
screen say(who, what):
File "game/screens.rpy", line 193, in execute
screen say(who, what):
File "game/screens.rpy", line 196, in execute
File "game/screens.rpy", line 196, in keywords
File "game/screens.rpy", line 197, in keywords
if uistyle == "0":
File "game/screens.rpy", line 197, in <module>
if uistyle == "0":
NameError: name 'uistyle' is not defined
Unfortunately, as we said in our previous devlog, this is something inevitable following the implementation of the new UI. You should be able to skip all the text you've already read pretty quickly once you've started a new game! Really sorry for all that.
All right, thanks! :)
I am soooo very invested in each of the branching routes! 😯 Omg, it’s like, xou know when xou watch a really good TV series and are left anxiously excited for the next episode? That’s how NeveN makes me feel~ 😌
Xou guys are doing a TRULY amazing job 😁 I’m normally pretty good at deducing plots and predicting outcomes, but Ive been left pleasantly surprised with each route, in fact, I was so anxious with Vekad’s last update, coz I had absolutely NO idea where the story was going! 😅 I was literally on the edge of my seat
Thank xou so much for sharing this story with us and all the hard work put into creating it 💜
It makes us incredibly happy to know that we're capable of giving these kinds of thrills! And believe us, things are only just starting to get exciting! ;)
Hello, I'm really liking the vn, guillian is my favorite character from what I'm reading, I wanted to know if he has a route?
Hey there, sadly, no route for Gilliant!
Oh, too bad, the idea won't even be considered in the future? If so, I will have to follow the route of my dear falcon.
Although it was considered as a possibility, we no longer intend to create a specific route for Gilliant. However, he will remain an essential character in NeveN and will no doubt have a few side stories dedicated to him!
The latest update is sooo good. My heart was beating so fast lol. This vn needs more recognition.
We are more than happy to hear that! It was an important turning point for Vekad's route, so we wanted to make it special, and it looks like it reached its goal!
I didn't expect to read mushoku tensei but with bard bunny
game seems interesting so im leaving a comment so i can find it again <3
Let us know what you think once you've read it!
Saw the post saw the dragon now I'm reading it.
I hope you'll enjoy it!
Does Vekad have antler shaped cutouts around the door to his tower so he fits inside more easily?
Nope, the doors are just bigger!
I just finished reading Maelbiorn's story yesterday and it was brilliant! When can I expect the next update, I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you very much, we're delighted you enjoyed it! And you're in luck, Maelbjorn's route is the next update to be released on 15 August.
I REALLY enjoyed getting to spend time with all the boys again after waiting so long~ 😊 I absolutely looove how different each route is! It really leaves the reader guessing where the story might go! 😁 Amazing updates as always~
I’m also really happy with how xou guys found a way to incorporate Gilliant even though he’s not romancable. The way xou included his backstory was a very good writing choice, and not simply as a filler or as character building, but incorporating this scene was a great way to progress the story. It both makes the world feel fuller and distracts us from the primary storyline, which is a great way to pace the progression of the plot 😌
One last thing. I’d like to suggest a change in phrasing, if I may be so bold? When the MC refers to himself as “A prey”, it should rather be phrased simply as “Prey”. Saying things like: “Just because I’m prey doesn’t mean I can’t be strong!” makes more sense than him refering to himself as “A prey”. This word is used to describe both plural and singular beings, which means it doesn’t need an indefinite article.
Xou guys could alternatively say something along the lines of “Prey-kin”, which would align with xour “Anthroken” word. But all of this is just a suggestion! I’m a bit of a stickler for details, so it isn’t all that important in the grand scheme of things 😋
Hey, as always it's a great pleasure to read your commentary! We're glad you are still into the VN after all this time, and you'll soon see a lot of storylines will unravel! :)
I'll take note of the "prey" thing to incorporate it in the VN, thanks a lot for that! I'm not sure I'll find all the sentences where it appears (because I'm pretty sure I made this mistake before?), but from now on I'll avoid using "a prey"! :)
No problem! And I think it only appears in Vekad’s route 🤔 though I could be wrong (maybe also the scene in the beginning where Akhet and the MC get ambushed by bandits)
Great work as always, I’m really excited to see how the story unravels (especially with the cliffhanger xou left us on in Vekad’s route! 😯)
Hey there! We are currently at 357,698 words, and we are in the middle of arc 2, then arc 3 will be the last one for NeveN.
Incredibly compelling! I'm really enjoying the world-building and that each route actually varies quite a bit, both in day to day events and the info presented to the reader.
Going through them still but Tenoch is currently my fave :D Looking forward to see how things develop, both with the greater conflict and the relationship between him and Erik (hoping for a good ending there ^^)
possibly the first VN i've read where every route character is so compelling that i genuinely have a tough time choosing which to read first. excellent work, will definitely be following along! ^W^
Hey, thanks a lot! We are very glad you liked them all, because we always give our 100% to write each of them!
I read it a couple years ago for the first time and I'm so glad this kept getting regular updates. I have so much to catch up on!
Are there any lewd scenes yet? >.>
Hey, thanks for the kind words! There are a few lewd scenes yes, at least one for each route except for Vekad at the moment.
This is so good! especially when Gilliant had told us what happened to him??! This makes me love him as a character more, will he possibly be a love interest??
Glad to see you're enjoying Gilliant! Unfortunately, he won't be a possible route in the future. But he's still going to appear in the different routes!
Aw well I still love him as a character!
Just started playing and got to the party and I was definitely not expecting the Temptations Ballad reference with Collodi Bonebreaker and crew! Loving the game so far.
You are one of the few people to have caught this easter egg haha! We love Temptation's Ballad, so we wanted to give a lil' nod to the VN! :)
Is there a problem with the current build for android? Maelbiörns route is the same than before
It was a patreon build only, the public one will be out the 15!
Ah yes. Im stupid XD thanks
Hang in there, don't be spooked!
I've always loved how different each route is despite sharing many similar scenes, like how Maelbjorn's is a nice slow burn romance while Tenoch's is more of passion turned into something more tender, yet despite me becoming familiar with these themes, I'm still surprised by how much the paths have diverged, especially Vekad's.
Xou guys are doing an amaaazing job. Character coherence and world building are so important to me. NeveN never fails to deliver when it comes to quality
We're delighted to see that you're still enjoying the VN! Hopefully you'll like the rest of the story just as much, especially as things are going to start to vary a lot between the different routes as they progress.
My biggest gripe was how each route felt like same things happening but talking to different person about them, this new vekad adventure just might make the vn a lot more fun to me if it succeeds
We hope you'll find what you're looking for in one of the routes from now on, as they should be quite different from each other!
J'espèrais une route avec Gilliant mais une merveilleuse histoire tout de même. J'ai hâte d'essayer les autres routes. Présentement je suis allé avec Maelbjorn.
J'espère que tu apprécieras les autres personnages, ils ont chacun une personnalité très différente !
NOOO imma cry I just finished the last chapter of Maelbjorn's route, I was excited to go to town with him😭😭😭
Don't worry, you will be able to go to town with him soon! His next build is in April!
Une véritable belle découverte ce VN !
Déjà parce qu'il est en français (ce qui est extrêmement rare pour ne pas dire quasiment unique dans le genre des FVN), et ensuite bien évidemment pour sa qualité d'écriture, tant au niveau de l'histoire, du worldbuilding et des personnages !
L'attitude du MC tranche franchement avec ce qu'on a l'habitude de voir et c'est un vrai vent de fraîcheur, toute cette assurance et ce côté assuré !
J'aime beaucoup la façon dont sont construites les différentes routes, en espérant une happy end pour chacune d'entre elle (en particulier Maelbjorn qui est mon favori, mais ça c'est mon faible pour les ours qui parle eheh)
J'ai maintenant hâte de voir ce que la prochaine mise à jour nous réserve ! Un grand bravo au créateur en tout cas :)
(ps : must protect Akhet)
Tu ne sais pas à quel point on est heureux de voir des commentaires en français, surtout quand c'est si gentil ! On a très envie de faire découvrir le monde des FVN aux francophones, donc ça nous réchauffe le cœur quand ça atteind ce public. :)
On a tout aussi hâte de te faire découvrir la suite de cette histoire, rendez-vous non pas le mois prochain mais celui d'après !
(ps : l'oiseau sera mis en cage pour sa sécurité)
Me who learnt French in school
my dumbass that was able to decifer 3 words. Before finding the English translation.
Haha, sorry about that!
At least it gave you a chance to practise your French, I guess!
it's fine honestly. I haven't learnt French in like 6 years so I am really rusty.
I do somehow remember the numbers 1-10 off by heart.
Un deux trois quatre cinq six sept hute nerf dix
Almost right! It's huit and neuf for 8 and 9! :)
I'm happy to see people learning our language, especially since it's a hard one to learn!
I found the fact that France had the most types of cheese enticing.
So I decided to take French classes as a hobby in school.
It was honestly more fun then expected.
Oh and before I forget, why not put up a language selection screen first time you load into the game? So players don't get confused.
Just a suggestion but it would save people from confusion. Anyway have a good day 😊
Oh yeah, cheese is life! :D
As for the language selection screen, we thought about it and it's an idea we are keeping for later, since there are plenty of other things we have to improve first. We keep that in mind though, thanks for the suggestion!
Have a good day! :)
SPOILER (I guess? :/)
Ah-ha! I knew it~ :D I figured out the MC's gesture through a few different things, mainly because he hadn't actively sung since the competition, but also when he and Ahket went to the bar and weren't able to perform :p
Xou guys have opened up A LOT of great possibilities story wise by giving the MC the ability to peek into alternate realities. I personally think this is an awesome decision from a writer's perspective UwU
I absolutely ADORE where this tale is going~ I love how unique each path is. They have their own feeling and vibe, while still aligning with the overall story :) I always feel so good after an update n__n the tale is so fun, and despite being pretty serious, it's still lighthearted enough to leave readers feeling aflutter :3
Thank xou sooo much for all the hard work xou guys put into NeveN! ^^_
(PS. I DEEPLY appreciate that xa'll took the logical route with the kiss the MC and Ahket share. Smooching a beak is a bit weird and I've always thought a snout rub to be far more appropriate UwU)
Hey, thanks, it's always pretty nice and heartwarming to read your comments! :)
As for the gesture, yep, you guessed it right! It was the most logical thing for a bard such as our beloved rabbit!
We are very eager to show all the possibilites around the brands and their different powers and after-effects, you'll see we have some nice surprises in stock for you!
You better buckle up for September's build, because it's big and very important for the overall story. We can't wait to release it!
I sadly only download every 4our updates, so that I can spend the day with each guy :p but I'm already looking forward to it! ^^_ excited to see what xou guys have planned~ :D
Actually, it will be a common build for everyone (with slight differences on each route), so you won't have to wait for that one!
Great news then! \n__n/ thankx for the heads up
Does the word Neven come up at all in the story? i wanted to named the MC that (its a very pretty word! definitely fits the cute bunny!) but it could get confusing.
that actually happened to me once before lol on a gba game
Yes! NeveN is an important word in this universe, as you will soon find out!
oh, nice to know! guess ill go with the default name then
you deserve it, your game is great and I can't wait to see more! I hope your game will continue its success, you're all seriously underrated!
That's very kind of you, thanks a lot for your support! We'll be working hard on NeveN until the end, and believe me when I say things are going to get pretty wild! :)
Having played through every route so far, I'm loving them all! Just wish Gilliant was also a route, he may be similar to Vekad in his vibe but he's so interesting I'd play the game over again just for him haha.
I'm glad you liked all the routes! As for Gilliant, his route is one of our Patreon objectives in the long term, so who knows, maybe one day we'll get to write for him!
Ahh~ n///n Vekad is such a good match for the MC! <3 _<3 While my favourite may be Maelbjorn, I just think that the MC and Vekad play off of each other's personalities so well~ :p Although... I miiight just have a disposition towards tsundere personalities "^^_ But I also can't deny that there is something so very romantic, poetic even, about a hunter and a singer becoming involved~ UwU
I love where xou're taking the story :) It's really nice to see all the pieces fit together after playing every route :3 Everything has been so well thought out, and even better paced, that not only does it feel natural, but it always invokes such a good feeling whenever I read UwU
Xou've set the stage and introduced the actors perfectly, so now with the overture passed, the main act can commence, and I am very much excited to see where it leads~! Keep up all the great work! \>_</
(Oh, and sbtw, I have a sneeaaky suspicion what the MC's gesture is, especially seeing as he hasn't done it since... ;P)
Hey, thanks for all these compliments, it's really appreciated! With each build, we are so, so impatient to show more! It will only increase in intensity from now on! I hope you'll tell us what your suspicions were once the MC's gesture of awakening is revealed!
"du coin de l'œil, j'aperçois la hyène qui nous a avertis hier en train de discuter avec le reste de ce que je suppose être le reste de sa troupe, un blaireau et une labrador."
Je suis sûr à 99% que ceci est une référence à l'excellent Temptation's Ballad, je vous applaudis 👏 (why hello there, Cole, Sidd and Artemi).
Jusqu'ici très très bon VN au passage ! C'est la première fois que j'en vois un en français (malgré le fait d'en avoir joué/lu une bonne quarantaine) et ce fut une belle suprise. Ce fut un plaisir de le lire et j'attends la suite avec impatience. Chapeau bas, je vous souhaite toute la réussite pour la suite !
PS Akhey best boy, just throwing it out there
Content de voir que quelqu'un a finalement repéré la référence, je pense que tu es le premier à nous le dire ! Merci énormément du commentaire, ça nous fait vraiment plaisir de voir que notre travail plait à d'autres francophones. Nous avons bien l'intention de faire en sorte que la suite soit tout aussi bonne, voire meilleure !
Read the new update and thought I might share some of my thoughts.
First of all I absolutely LOVE the atmosphere, the writing, music and designs combine a very interesting setting that is always fun to return to. The worldbuilding is also fantastic, I'm so interested in discovering more about the different countries, their traditions, the gods, everything. And last but not least I absolutely love the characters. The protagonist feels unique and chaotic but also fun and wholesome, it's such a nice combination that fits to a bard. I admit I have to read the other routes as well but what Akhets content is so damn adorable. His kind personality but also his passion to music and to protect people that are close to him make him such a lovable character and it's always a pleasure to see him around the protagonist.
All in all I will definitely recommend the VN and hope for more great content, keep up the good work
Thanks a lot! It's really great to see that you liked our universe and our characters so much. We'll do everything to improve while staying on this path!
The wolf in the second picture isn't a love interest? "Do you know how sad a wolf can get when left alone?" ...or is he? If it's no trouble asking, because I would like to know before hand.
Hi! The wolf is not a love interest, but that doesn't mean that nothing happens with him! The different routes are the four characters presented in the description of NeveN ( Akhet, Maelbjorn, Tenoch and Vekad).
I see, thank you for letting me know.
Is there information on the heights of the main characters. I know Erik's height but I am eager about the other main character's height since they are often described as towering Erik.
Erik is 160 (5'3), Maelbjorn 210 (6'11), Vekad (with antlers) 225 (7'4), Tenoch 183 (6) and Akhet 175 (5'9).
Without antlers, Vekad would be around Maelbjorn's height?
He would be a little smaller than Maelbjorn without antlers.
I really love the overall vibe NeveN has~ :) it's fun to read, the setting is familiar yet fresh, and the story is compelling :3
Might I make the smallest of suggestions to a word xou used? I've been writing furry smut for a while now, and I always try to keep anthropomorphs as animalistic as possible, which leads me to deliberate over atomical differences and the right terms to use.
Xou use the word "Cloaca" for Tenoch, and while that is perfectly fine, both as an artistic decision and to make saurian genitals sound more animalistic, I think refering to it as a "Genital slit" might be the better choice "^__^
I personally use cloaca more for the naga I write about, as they use that single hole to do all their business, and I think that when xou consider the anthro form, a "Genital slit" becomes more appropriate as their intestines aren't connected to this passage. But 1nce again, that's just my 2wo cents n_n"
Great work as always, can't wait to see where the story goes~! :D
Hey, thanks again for the feedback, it's always appreciated!
I'll look into the translation to replace the word cloaca then, I trust you on that one! Thank you!
Sympa la référence a Zelda avec l'histoire du vieux qui donne une épée au héros ^^
Un classique haha !
A sassy rabbit, a serious but kind prince, a shy bird, a nearly deranged hunter and a horny lizard....
Chef kiss
You can add to that a great commentator!
This seem interesting, going to give it a try ;)
Thanks! Once it's done, don't be shy and give your opinion, we'd love some feedback! Have a good read!
Holy cow, I finished it in two days. From the first read I was hooked, it was simply awesome! :3 I can not wait to see how it would continue.
(Especially love Akhet, he´s such a cutie :3)
I'm glad to read your comment, it's always heartwarming to see people like our VN!
We're quite impatient to show you more, and you shouldn't have to wait for long, next public build is in 11 days.
It seems that Akhet is very popular, I can understand why, he is indeed quite soft and cute!
I really must commend xou on not just xour writing style, but the ability to do it so fluidly UwU the importance of having a sentence flow in dialogue is imperative in capturing the readers attention, so the ability to do that while also incorporating an older style of writing is seriously impressive~ :)
Praise be to the diversity of the routes! ^__^/ while I expected only a few changes in dialogue with each path, xou've incorporated far more than I anticipated :3 which is really nice when xou consider that most VN' simply change a few lines
Maelbjorn is best boy, btw~ :p give us more handsome bear! \>o</ xD
Hey, thanks! Your comment means a lot to us, especially since we are writers first and foremost!
It's always reassuring to have that kind of feedback, because it compliments both our writing and the quality of our translation. It's important for us to be able to reach you through these words!
As for the routes, we are happy to bring that diversity, and the more the VN will progress, the more each route will be different (even though we intend to have some similar events between the routes).
And don't worry about Maelbjorn, you have a whole route of handsome bear prince ahead of you!
did you just replace 'you'... an inherently genderless pronoun... with 'xou'...? ...to remove gender connotations?? how do you even pronounce that????? why??????????
Lmao xD no, no, I recognise myself as male n_n It actually started out as a typo that I latched onto when I was... 13irteen? :/ It's kinda just become part of the way I type UwU same thing with how I replace number letters, ie: 1ne, 2wo, 3hree. And I guess I kinda pronounce "Xou" and "K-yoo" in my head "^^_
huh O.O
hmmm... the "scene" is a surprice for me...like alot didnt expect that at all
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
super le premier Roman que je lie en VF .
super hate de la suite Bravo jai bien aimée.
On est contents de pouvoir apporter une touche française au paysage de la VN, et encore plus contents que ça te plaise !
Mrowl~! King Aeon O///O [drools]
That's an interesting game :D
Got me shocked with NSFW right off the bat bahaha for sure wasn't expecting it, even made me double-check if it wasn't a game like Lustful Desire (I mean, heavily focused on sexual content)
It's interesting - and also, probably the first VN I ever saw that has a rabbit as MC xP
Thanks a lot for the kind words!
We know that an NSFW scene this early can be quite surprising, but the MC has a pretty open sexuality and it's a relatively important element later on in the story, so we wanted it to be clear from the beginning. The story is the focus though, even with the sexual elements!
We hope you like the rabbit, by the way!